Sunday, October 18, 2009

Firstly :- The Hametic :- 1- The sons of Mizraim ( a ) The Egyptians
 The Arabic Translation for the contents in the parallel Arabic blog    
Before ages of the dynasties , before 3000 B.C , there were no kings in Egypt , who ruled Egypt as a united country , but there were at these days, the ages of "Naqada I " and "NaqadaII" ( we want to clear to the English people that "Naqada" is a name of a city at the northern part of the old "Tiba"[ Luxor]  today ",before these ages it was some  Semitic people who visited Egypt and mixed with their inhabitants The hamitic Egyptians at last used the Hieroglyphic language which was "Hamit-Semetic " language .
The influences of the Somarian arts ,and style of writing, were clear in the old arts and writing of the old Egyptians , so there were some relations between the two civilizations (see H.Frankfort ,"birth of Civilization in the Near east " , 1951,pp100-111. 1*.
 The Holy Bible revealed that there were a relationship between all the nations, in the oldest "Mesopotamian" civilization ,during the building of "Babel Tower" where the different languages were born and the people spread out from there to the different countries . 
When the dynasty XII ruled Egypt, 1991 -1796 B.C ., at the times of "Amenemhat I ", he was the first Pharaoh in this dynasty , who paid his attention to the eastern gate of Egypt, where their cousins, the Philistinians lived , they were the sons of Philistim ,who was the son of Pathrosim , who was the son of Mizraem , after "Amenemhat" has finished his task , to build the agricultural projects for his country , he went to the east , to build the castles in the Asian lands , to protect his country from the eastern invaders . 
After the rule of "Amenemhat" 7 kings ruled Egypt one after another , three of them named "Amenemhat " II ,III,IV and three of them named "Sesostris" I ,II,III , the seventh was a Queen.
At the days of "Sesostris III " , the relationship between Egypt and Philistine were very closed . He reached to the city of "Shchem"  , the same city of the Bible , it was clear that there were an Egyptian influences , that the city was called in the Egyptian language "Sek -mem", also he went to "Phoenicia" and south of Syria, where some archeological discoveries ,found some evidences about the existence of the Egyptians, which referred to that age ,A list of a magical cursing was found near "Luxor"in Egypt, related to that time , included some of Semitic names , The Great book of " Albright " JPOS,VIII,1928 2*, recorded this discovery .
The story of "Abram" in the book of Genesis 12.20 were in the times of Sesostris III, he was the Pharaoh of "Abram". Our professor Dr., J.C.Philip wrote about it a brief article, we published it in our Trinity blog and translated it into Arabic Language in the parallel blog . So , in other reference (BAfig.25,pp28,29) 3*, it told us about a group of 37 Semitic visitors who visited Egypt at that time, it was found in a tomb  at "Bani Hassan" at upper Egypt .
"ThuthmosisIII" 1490-1437 ( see the figure above) entered Syria and appointed 17 princes to rule their countries, under the Egyptian authority , they were paying the taxes until the times of "AmenopheseIII", the Pharaohs  let these princes who had some personal aims (Amarna Letters explained that)
After the rule of "Hyksos" , the dynasty XVIII 1570-1303 dismissed them , by the efforts of "Ahmos I" who attacked their king "Kamose" and followed him ,and arrested him in the Palestinian lands, also the kings of this dynasty , were very important in the history of the the Hebrew people , like "Amenophese I,II,III because the Hebrew people were in Egypt during their reign .
The twentieths dynasty were the dynasty of "Ra - msis" , the most popular kings of this dynasty who related to the events in Palestine, were "RamsisII  1290-1224 who followed the Hittits who invaded Egypt to the north of Syria , and won in the battle of "Kadesh", the other one was "Mernptah" who was  the son of "Ramsis II "1224-1214 , he went also to "Palestine to beat the "People of the sea" which was the Egyptian name for the Palestinian people, their cousins . 
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