www.biblicalg2.blogspot.com The blog of the Arabic translation
Do you love the "Torah" as I love it ? or do you recognize its pretty meaning between its lines , it is the greatest written book or manuscript till the end of this seen world it will be the greatest . Do you like to share me in investigating its contents to recognize the great persons who played an important part ?, some of these persons has inviable existence , but if you examine what is written slowly , you will find the great importance of those neglected persons .Now we became more sufficient than our fathers , to taste the prettiness and the significance of the "Torah". The "Physics" produced to us the tools which measure the "Radio Carbon " To help in evaluating the ages of the old substances ,the manuscripts and the archeological monuments , now the gausses which was used to evaluate the ages of these things became in the past tense forever . discussing these matters now is a discussion about a proved historical matters , also the modern technology helps us in discovering any body under the surface of the earth by using the "Ultra Sonic waves" it is able to discover the empty bubbles inside any body ,or the shape of the baby before the birth ,or the empty chambers inside the mountains , "Miss Kenon " has used it to explore what was beneath the "Sacred Precinct " of "Al-Aqsa Mosque " , 1966.[ H.T.Frank,"An Archaeological Companion to The Bible " page 138, SCM press ltd ,London] .The revolution of the science of Physiology , which produced " the DNA acid's researches" to help in maintaining the genetic sources , by analyzing the remains of the dead people , like the old mummies , to categorize the races , according to their real sources , and creating what they call " the genetic map " , this development in the sciences helped us to recognize more the events which was written by "Moses the son of Amoram" or Aumran in the Arabic pronunciation before 1500 years B.C . that you can imagine that these meanings have not recognized by the people of Moses themselves through the mosaic period , but God have revealed it to us through the great deal of the human experience along the ages . that "Daniel " said in 12.4 "Many shall run to and fro, and the knowledge shall be increased " . The archeologists found another copy of this book "Daniel" like our copy which included in the "Holy Bible" , in caves I,II,and IV as a manuscript fragments of "Wadi Qumran" . At the book of Genesis chapter 10,11,19,22,25 He gave us a category of the genealogy of the human races , after the flood , which occurred in the times of "Noah" during the fortieth century B.C . This flood which recorded in the Torah ,the archeological excavations at "Ur" ,"Warka" and "Farah" in the southern "Mesopotamia" , by Sir "Leonard Wooly " and "S.H.Langdon" who found some evidences and remains , which proves its occurrence[ see the article of T.C Michell "Flood in the "New Bible Dictionary " page 428, inter-varsity press ],The category of the genealogy , which the Torah recorded , came back to the three sons of "Noah" they were the three major races of all mankind , two of these three sons were the grandfathers of the nations who dwell in the sacred lands welcome again follow us it will completed later . Please comment . Thank you . Rev. Joseph
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